Types de poussette

Types de poussette

Poussette canne

Une poussette canne

Cette appellation lui vient de son pliage en 3 dimensions, lui permettant de se rétracter en longueur puis en largeur. Elle est aussi appelée “poussette parapluie”. C’est une poussette ultra compacte (pliée et dépliée), légère (en moyenne 6 kg) et très maniable. Il s’agit le plus souvent d’une poussette 2e âge. En effet, elle s’utilise dès 6–9 mois, à partir du moment où l’enfant préfère la position assise.

Elle peut parfois s’utiliser dès la naissance si le siège est inclinable à plus de 150° et si le harnais de sécurité est adapté. On peut également l’utiliser dès la naissance s’il est possible de fixer sur la poussette une coque / siège-auto : il s’agit alors d’une poussette Travel System (voir paragraphe suivant).

Les poussettes cannes sont habituellement constituées de matériaux très légers : la majorité des modèles disponibles en 2012 sur le marché français pèsent moins de dix kilos2.

Poussette Travel System

Une poussette est dite Travel System si elle peut accueillir une nacelle (landau) et/ou une coque / siège-auto (maxi-cosi). Elle s’utilise dès la naissance.

Poussette tout-terrain

Elle est très souvent dotée de trois roues (deux à l’arrière et une à l’avant) assez grandes qui lui permettent de circuler sur tout type de terrain. Elle est pourvue d’options qui favorisent le confort de l’enfant et du parent (amortisseurs, roues gonflables, siège molletonné, frein progressif, etc.), ce qui la rend lourde et imposante.

Poussette à trois roues

La poussette à trois roues est très souvent une poussette tout-terrain mais elle peut être à usage urbain uniquement, si celle-ci comporte de petites roues ou ne possède pas de suspension.

Poussette double ou triple

Il y a deux types de poussette double : la poussette pour jumeaux et la poussette pour enfants d’âges rapprochés. La poussette double peut-être Travel System, utilisable dès la naissance, permettant de nombreuses combinaisons entre les nacelles et coques / sièges-auto.

Autrement, ce peut être une poussette canne, utilisable dès 6–9 mois ou dès la naissance si les sièges sont inclinables à plus de 150° et si les harnais sont adaptés. La poussette triple permet d’accueillir 3 enfants, généralement dès leur naissance.

Poussette 1er âge

Cela désigne une poussette utilisable dès la naissance.

Poussette 2e âge

Cela désigne une poussette utilisable dès 6 mois. Toutefois, si une poussette 2e âge est Travel System ou si son siège s’incline à plus de 150° et que son harnais est adapté, elle peut être utilisée dès la naissance

Poussette Tricycle 
Types de Poussettes
Poussette de Jogging
promo poussette


What Is in Royal Jelly?

                         Are you wondering what is in royal jelly? To begin understanding this natural super-food, you should know what it is. It can be described as a special substance manufactured by worker bees. Naturally they produce this milky substance, also called bee’s milk, to raise their queen bee and her larvae. Young female bees are fed with this substance until they are strong enough to share responsibilities in the beehive. They eat jelly for a few days only though. Some of them are intended to become queens later on. So they are fed bee’s milk continually and remain safe in the hive. The source of bee’s milk is the glands located on top of the worker bee’s head. It boasts a white, creamy texture.
Research and studies about the benefits of queen bee food for humans have been done for many years now. Unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence that this substance can heal, prevent or alleviate symptoms of diseases. Experiments that have been conducted so far to determine the components of royal jelly have revealed the following about it. It is very high in amino acids, sugars, proteins, lipids and vitamins. It is particularly the best source of vitamin D and E. These two elements are very essential to human health. If you are looking to consume more of B vitamins, royal jelly has B1, B2 and B6 – based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s research.
In addition to this, this milky substance is a source of folic acid, inositol, biotin, pantothenic acid and niacin. As a result, royal jelly‘s rich content is thought to cure many human disorders. Some people describe the healing powers of this bee product as miraculous. I do not know if you have a similar testimony too. Just because of eating royal jelly daily, the queen’s lifespan is sixty times longer compared to the drone’s (male bee). She also grows bigger, heavier and stronger than any other bee in the hive. Because of this, humans harvest this milky stuff from the hives to benefit the same way the queen bee does.
Royal jelly is linked with the alleviation of symptoms of chronic and severe diseases. These include cancer, arthritis, weak kidneys, bad cholesterol, bad skin, impotence, low libido, female infertility, allergies and high blood pressure among others. According to scientists, sugars, fats, proteins, B vitamins, folic acid and niacin are responsible for these changes. For the purpose of improving health, royal jelly is sold in form of pills or capsules. These supplements must be consumed daily to enhance health, according to providers.
Royal jelly is hard to collect in large amounts from the hives. This is why supplements are manufactured. Before taking any of these supplements, bear in mind that they are not regulated by any American health or food association. Its use and benefits are based on the fact that various experiments on rats have so far shown positive results. Now that you know what is in royal jelly, and diseases it can improve, you should look for it. Perhaps it is just what you require to solve your health issues. Beware that royal jelly also has side effects in some users.
Royal jelly is considerd to be a real fountain of youth and health. If you are interested in how to use this hive product you can find here more useful information http://thebenefitsofroyaljelly

How I Lost 10lbs in 10 Days

           I have been battling my weight for more than a decade, and have finally found the long sought for answer that I dreamed of finding. I found the answer on how to lose 10lbs in 10 days. The fact is it was not that difficult and it did not cost me a fortune. It did not take very much effort at all. I just changed a few of my bad habits and set out on a mission to lose weight and I succeeded.
I was like you, unhappy with my appearance, and I really wanted my clothes to fit and look good on me. I sought to be attractive again and to rebuild the self-esteem that had been plummeting for quite sometime. Every time I looked in the mirror I wanted to cry the weight was everywhere and my face looked bloated and unhealthy as well.
This aspect made me consider what I wanted to put into my body, and well truth is it was not viable foods that were contributing to this factor. The junk, the sweets, eating out, preservatives, and more were all what had gotten me to the point where my entire body was just not healthy in general. If you really consider losing 10lbs in 10 days it cannot be that difficult. I mean we all know there is no magic pill that works, sure we can control our hunger with pills, but people always want what they cannot have.
This is where my idea came to life. I had to possess a distinguishing trait that causes most people to fail at weight-loss- will power. People surrender to their whims and indulge in gluttony in their life constantly. Perhaps if we step away, and make a few adjustments to these habitual rituals in eating and our everyday lives the change itself will occur. It did! I changed a few things and ate more than I ever thought I could. I was not hungry, but I had to trade my thought patterns and mind tricked myself to not wanting the sweets, pastas, and yummy foods that are so tempting. Also one has to get passed the peer pressure which is one of the leading causes of diet and weight-loss failures.
Have not you heard your peers say well one taste will not hurt or you can eat lunch here with us they have a diet menu. Truth is one taste leads to others and most people see the tempting menus and disregard the diet menu at all costs. Once you are there it is all over. However, you can simply lose 10lbs in 10 days by reading, researching, and teaching yourself good habits and that every choice that you make effects the fact that you pass or fail at your goal of losing 10lbs in 10 days.
Please visit the lose ten pounds site for resources and facts on how you too can achieve the once thought of unobtainable.

Marketing Your Kindle Book

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Best Diet Pills for Safe Weight Loss

According to a recent study, more and more people are becoming obese or overweight every year. This is obviously because we tend to eat more and perform physical activities less. The bigger problem is that most of us are lazy and don’t want anything that involves difficulty. Such is the case when it comes to weight loss. People want an easy solution like popping a pill. Here is what you should know when you’re looking for diet supplements.

Safety: The Main Concern

The big problem is that most of the supplements on the market don’t really Continue reading

Lose 20 Pounds Fast – 3 easy ways

       Losing 20 pounds quickly to reach your ideal weight is easier than you think. You do not have to punish you for losing those extra weight by engaging in depressing diets or exhausting workout plans. There are simple things you can do to start your weight loss program and get the body you always wanted in no time. If you want to lose 20 pounds healthily and rapidly, so try these 3 proven tips.

1. Drink plenty of water to lose 20 pounds fast!

Drink 8 glasses of water can wash up to 5 pounds of water weight you’ve been carrying around. Yes, drinking more water helps you get rid of water weight. In addition, the water flows all the toxins that may be causing store more fat around your waist.

As you can see, the water is very important for weight loss. If you want to lose 20 pounds fast, then you should avoid sugary drinks completely. Instead, you should start drinking 8 glasses of pure water per day.

2. Cut the bad fats from your diet!

Stop the foods that contain trans fat or saturated fat eating. Junk food, fast food and candy are completely out of the question. These types of fat are against weight loss. You do not need to eat good fats as part of a balanced diet. The right kind of fats can actually help you lose weight quickly.

These fats are omega fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fish and whole grains are foods that contain good fats. Cut the bad fats will not only help you achieve your weight loss goals, but it will also improve your overall health.

3. Eat more fiber to lose 20 pounds fast!

Eating healthy foods like whole grains, fruits and raw vegetables will ensure the proper functioning of your digestive system. Fiber keeps you from harboring books unwanted waste by keeping your regular bowel movements.

In addition, eat more fiber reduces the amount of food that will turn into fat. Fiber also tends to make you feel full, which can reduce your cravings for fatty foods and your calorie intake. Fiber is essential for healthy and lose pounds quickly.

Drink 8 glasses of water per day, reducing your fat intake and eat more fiber, you get the body you want in a healthy way. All you have to do is to adopt a new healthy lifestyle. Try these three tips and you’ll have no problem losing 20 pounds fast.